We’re supporting creatives like you to connect with who and what you need. We’re gonna feature local talent needing some know-how to get them to the next level. Let’s look out for each other. Keep dropping in to see who can help you.
We’ll be talking to a new creative every week. This week we’re chatting with Abbi, a graphic designer and motion designer who is currently working all the way over in Florida! If you wanna work with Abbi, or get involved with a project drop her a DM @abbicreates.
Tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m Abbigayle, I’m a graphic designer, and motions graphic designer. I’m from Birmingham, but I’ve studied in the UK and America. I’ve moved to America to pursue a career within graphic design. I’ve been living in Florida since 2018, and I’m currently working for a TV Media company, doing motion graphics.
What advice do you have for a young designer?
If you want to do something in the future, make sure you’re studying it already in college. At Walsall college, I was running events, I never had an actual business, but I was reaching out to bloggers and other places to get my name out there. I ended up running a Christmas blogger event for The Body Shop at the New Street Birmingham store, 2 years in a row and I also did another Christmas event for L’occitane.
Also, young people shouldn’t be scared to reach out to other young people. If you see someone doing something you like you should follow them and let them know how you feel about their work etc. You could meet up with them, discuss their work and ask them about collaborating. I’ve met up with creatives through instagram such as photographers that I’ve worked with when I needed photos for my work. Meet up with them for coffee and get collaborating!
What do you think there should be more of?
Councils should put more effort into the learning process for graphic design – everyone makes jokes about starving artists and the cliche where artists are poor. The reality is that there are so many jobs that exist, there should be more events that can educate the whole field of the media world. You don’t have to be an artist to work for the BBC or a designer. You don’t have to be creative to be in a creative field. E.g. camera man, interns, makeup artist.
If you’re interested in what Abbi has spoken about, drop her a DM on @abbicreates, or contact Lyfeproof UK to connect you.