Creative Call Out | DEEVEE

By November 10, 2021BHX, The Motive

We’re supporting creatives like you to connect with who and what you need. We’re gonna feature local talent needing some know-how to get them to the next level. Let’s look out for each other. Keep dropping in to see who can help you.

We’ll be talking to a new member of the community every week. This week we’re chatting with Daniel AKA DEEVEE, 25 year old rapper, based in Birmingham. If you wanna work with Daniel, or get involved with a project drop her a DM @dabossdeevee on Instagram!

Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Hi, my name is Daniel, otherwise known as DeeVee, and I’m 25 years old. I rap and run a telecoms business, and I’m currently studying business management at University. I realised this dream as I’ve always wanted to mentor people in believing that life isn’t as hard as we think it is, and sometimes we need that helping hand or motivation to push us on to thrive in life.

What could your community do to help your aspirations?

If the community provided me with a videographer, they could help me by filming my music videos. I would also love to have a mentor that could help create a sense of direction, which would help put out my music in the most effective way.

What can you offer to your community?

I have always wanted to mentor young people and guide them to making the most out of their lives. I know that I would love to have known even half the things I know now from a young age, and that could go a long way into making someone’s dreams come true.

If you’re interested in what Daniel has spoken about, drop him a DM on Instagram @dabossdeevee or contact Lyfeproof UK to connect you.

Interviewer: Leah