Lyfeproof – How I found my “Why” in Life

By January 20, 2017October 5th, 2020Blog

This is the story of how I found my why.

Imagine it:

First: No classrooms.

Then: No exams.

Resulting in: Unlimited learning.

I’d finally stepped into a non-judgmental space filled with activists and creative young people from every culture, class and creed. A place where everything is up for discussion: careers, race, religion, mental health, self-confidence, relationships, and social norms – the topics never cease and unlike my school experience, there’s always a pack of biscuits and a hot cup of tea on offer.

Welcome the Santa’s grotto of alternative learning – or as we like to call it: Lyfeproof

Through the vices of arts, media and sport; Lyfeproof has enhanced my mind-set and equipped me as a young person to be “life ready”. They recognise the youth of today need inspiration and guidance but via alternative and interactive routes of education.


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How I Found My Why

They helped me connect to essential values and life lessons; acting as a stepping stone to my true potential in a language I understood. Lyfeproof has recognised the tremendous potential online platforms hold. Social media is not just for liking cat memes. By changing perceptions, increasing knowledge and igniting thought, Lyfeproof’s engagement didn’t just open my mind to the real world but gave me the passion and determination to actively change my society for the better.

If not social media, then why not try one of Lyfeproof’s events? Let’s debate and uplift our worlds through group discussions, artistic and sporty occasions. Physical and creative talents are often dismissed instead of being nurtured; not realising its unlimited prospects on our society and the next generation.





Without environments like Lyfeproof encouraging free expression and oozing inspiration, it saved me from falling into a trap of existing rather than living; neither challenging my society, understanding the realities of the real world or ever truly discovering my impactful purpose in life

So, if you’re like me, a youth activist, or graduate desperately seeking guidance – even a life expert or company wishing to connect with young people – Lyfeproof will assist you on your journey to creating a more enlightened, wholesome world.


Ready? Let’s begin!


Lyfeproof – Finding creative ways to get young people life ready. Particularly through mindset. Explaining things that help you move forward in life or prevent negative outcomes. Creating experiences and invite people to join. Sharing knowledge across sports, arts, sciences, financial literacy, employability mental health & wellbeing.

Our Vision: Imagine a world where people understand their brains enough to make better decisions, then imagine fully understanding money to never be at its mercy; now thread both with individual and collective purpose so that poverty and disadvantage can be overcome for generations to come.  

Our Mission: Lyfeproof works to help young people towards well being. We aim to do this by what you see (online experiences with us), or what you feel (our events, workshops or programmes).

Our Intuition: We believe in sharing things that are proven to work for different people. 

If you care enough to share and would like to blog for Lyfeproof, please email, using “I want to Blog for Lyfeproof” as the subject header. We appreciate you all