Planning A Successful Event
Events management is an exciting opportunity for ambitious creatives to organise and execute their own events. Whether its music concert showcasing upcoming artists or food festivals hosting a wide variety of cuisines events management allows you take whatever you’re passionate about and transform it into an event usually resulting in profit or exposure. However, it’s not without its difficulties. In this article, you’ll find the best tips and tricks required to organise an event of your choosing
We spoke to Vanessa, a Birmingham-based events organiser currently working with the Live Vibe to get her insight into events management. When asked what goes into creating a successful event, Vanessa stated, that “hard work and passion for what you’re doing along with having a great team that know how to work together are the three most important factors which result in successful events”.
- It’ll come as no surprise to any accomplished events organiser that a hard working nature is crucial for events management. You’ll experience a lot of disappointments and challenges whilst planning your first event. Team members could leave due to disagreements, venues may become unavailable, your budget may not be enough for everything you want to accomplish. However, it’s how you respond to these obstacles which will result in either a failed endeavour or a successful event that defied all odds
Teamwork is another essential factor. Organisations with good chemistry create the best events primarily because everyone knows their role. Communication is key when attempting to plan and execute an event if everyone in the group informs each other of their process fewer arguments arise, tasks are completed on time and the overall quality of the event is good. Passion was the most significant factor mentioned by Vanessa. You’re more likely to produce a great event if you’re passionate about the theme of the event. Find what you’re passionate about first before you execute any ideas. It doesn’t necessarily mean planning the event will be easy, however, you’re likely to put more effort in.
- Social media is the most effective tool available for all events organisers, due to its ability to spread information. Social media allows you to promote your event to thousands of people at the click of a button. Hashtags retweets and shares increases the chances of people discovering yours. A big, online presence undoubtedly increases the chances of more people checking out your event.
- Community support is the most valuable piece of help you’ll receive when planning events, especially in your own city. Local Communities will always come together and show interest when they see that your event is aiding them in one way or another.
- Lastly, Vannessa argued that ‘Peoples goals are different, however, my main goal is for it to be a success. Success to me would come in the form of having a great audience for the artists to perform to’. Identifying your goal during the planning stages is important, as it will determine how you will execute your event
- If you have any questions email to get more information and inside knowledge.
Lyfeproof – Finding creative ways to get young people life ready. Particularly through mindset. Explaining things that help you move forward in life or prevent negative outcomes. Creating experiences and invite people to join. Sharing knowledge across sports, arts, sciences, financial literacy, employability mental health & wellbeing.
Our Vision: Imagine a world where people understand their brains enough to make better decisions, then imagine fully understanding money to never be at its mercy.
Our Mission: Lyfeproof works to help young people towards well being. We aim to do this by what you see (online experiences with us), or what you feel (our events, workshops or programmes).
Our Intuition: We believe in sharing things that are proven to work for different people.
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