Pass on the passion

By October 6, 2020October 13th, 2020Blog

Help inspire the new wave of creatives with your passion…

Maybe you can remember the time when you were first starting out. A time when all you had was your vision, your art form and a passion for what you had created. Now imagine how things may have been different. Perhaps easier? If there had been someone there, to guide you, advise you and perhaps most of all inspire you.

passion creatives

Your passion could inspire another creative.

The creative industry needs people who have both the passion and knowledge. But this knowledge isn’t always self-taught. That’s why Arts4Lyfe is actively seeking out those of you that have this knowledge. You have been where they are but you have managed to get where you are now. This expertise on a professional and emotional level is something you have the ability to share. You can support another likeminded creative trying to make it in an increasingly difficult industry. Currently, as confirmed by The Creative Industries Federation, the sector is growing at four times the rate of the wider UK workforce. Now providing 6% of all UK jobs. If anything,  your help truly could not be more needed than it is right now.

Arts4Lyfe meetups want to answer the questions of young people, from the practicalities like ‘How do I put on my own album launch’ to the very real worries like ‘How do I overcome rejection to my work’. You could answer those questions and many more. Beyond just answering questions, you could be the guiding figure they need-we’ve all probably had one of them at some point in our lives. So, come to our meetups and share your journey in this diverse industry, reveal the tips you know now but so wish you had known then and perhaps most powerfully help strengthen the shared passion that exists for simply being a creative.


Lyfeproof – Finding creative ways to get young people life ready. Particularly through mindset. Explaining things that help you move forward in life or prevent negative outcomes. Creating experiences and invite people to join. Sharing knowledge across sports, arts, sciences, financial literacy, employability mental health & wellbeing.

Our Vision: Imagine a world where people understand their brains enough to make better decisions, then imagine fully understanding money to never be at its mercy; now thread both with individual and collective purpose so that poverty and disadvantage can be overcome for generations to come.  

Our Mission: Lyfeproof works to help young people towards well being. We aim to do this by what you see (online experiences with us), or what you feel (our events, workshops or programmes).

Our Intuition: We believe in sharing things that are proven to work for different people. 

Finally, if you care enough to share and would like to blog for Lyfeproof, please email, using “I want to Blog for Lyfeproof” as the subject header. We appreciate you all. Or contact us here